Data Driven PSE @ GT ChBE Boukouvala Research Lab


Dr. Boukouvala has developed the elective course: “Data-Driven Process Systems Engineering” offered every Spring Semester since 2019. This course is offered to graduate students (PhD, MS and Data Science Certificate for the Chemical Industry (DSCI) students) and undergraduate students. The DDPSE course is an approved elective for the Undergraduate AI Minor and a core course of the ChBE DSCI program.

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This course is offered in a fully online asynchronous format. You can find the course material on a repository on our DDPSE github page

As part of the DSCI program, this course has been associated with two awards, the GT Curricullum Innovation Award in 2023 and the AIChE CAST Himmelblau Award for Computer-Aided Education in 2024. If you want to know more about the DSCI program, watch our latest invited webinar detailing the DSCI structure, content and impact!

Several PhD students have contributed to the content generation of this innovative course, due to its close connection to recent and evolving research in DDPSE. Find out more in our publication in Chemical Engineering Education Journal. Contact Dr. Boukouvala if you are interested in contributing to the course content and learning more about online education via a research experience.

Contact Dr. Boukouvala if you are interested in taking the course and have questions.